Research on Prior Information of Integrated Test Evaluation in Missile Hit Accuracy 导弹命中精度一体化试验鉴定方法中先验信息研究
At the same time, the previous global estimate of failure probability can serve as additional prior information to yield the overall calibrated probability. 同时,先前估计的全局破坏概率,能够用作额外的先验信息,来给出全部校准的破坏概率。
The market possesses prior information about the mean and variance of the value of the risky asset, as well as the crosscorrelation between the public and private information. 在模型中,假设市场揭露了标的风险资产真实价值事前的平均数与变异数,以及公开与私有消息之间的共变量等消息。
Segmentation and Tracking of Moving Object Based on Prior Information 基于先验信息的运动物体分割与跟踪
Most CFAR detectors need prior information on interfering'targets in a multi-target environment, and hence can not keep stable detection performance when the detection environment changes. 多数CFAR检测器在多目标检测环境下需要关于干扰目标的先验信息,当检测环境发生变化时,这些检测器很难维持稳定的检测性能。
Moreover, the results of the positioning provide important prior information for following character segmentation. 此外,定位过程中的评判结果为后续的字符分割提供了重要的先验信息。
In repositioning tasks, it can locate the object fast by using their prior information and avoid moving the manipulator frequently. 在重复定位的任务中,该方法可以利用目标物体的先验信息快速定位从而避免频繁移动手臂。
How to use prior information effectively and reasonably in the Bayesian method is a key issue in small sample evaluation. 如何合理有效地利用验前信息是小子样评定中的关键问题。
Research on Weighted Fusion for Prior Information Based on Entropy 基于信息熵的先验信息加权融合方法研究
This law does not require any prior information to the regulatory state of individual countries be. 此法不需要任何先验信息的监管是国家的个别国家。
How to improve the track continuity by associating the break track segments without any prior information is therefore a focus of research efforts. 在未知导弹任何先验信息前提下如何将中断前后的航迹片段进行关联,提高航迹的连续性已成为亟待解决的难题。
A Bayes Reliability Evaluation Method Based on the Credibility Analysis of Prior Information for Torpedo System 基于先验信息可信度的鱼雷可靠性Bayes分析
In order to avoid that a small amount of field test information would be obliterated by a large amount of prior information, a Bayesian method with mixed Beta distribution was used. 为避免少量的现场试验信息被大量的先验信息淹没,使用了以混合贝塔分布为先验分布的贝叶斯方法。
An Error Calibration Method Based on Prior Information for Aperture Synthesis Radiometers 基于先验信息的综合孔径辐射计误差校正方法
Based on prior information of road networks, the road-constrained target dynamical equation is established. 基于已知的道路信息,建立了道路约束条件下的地面目标状态模型。
The Fusion Method for Prior Distribution in Multi-sources of Prior Information 多源验前信息下先验分布的融合方法
An Image Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Prior Information for the Pulmonary Electrical Impedance Tomography 基于先验信息的肺部电阻抗成像算法
Aiming at the problem of point clouds registration without prior information on transformation, a novel registration algorithm is proposed based on geometric properties of point clouds. 为了有效地解决不存在明确对应关系的点云配准问题,提出了一种基于点云几何特征的配准算法。
This paper presents a structure learning method of Bayesian network to solve the problem of structure learning with uncertain prior information. 针对非确定先验结构信息下的贝叶斯网络学习问题,提出一种非确定先验结构信息贝叶斯网络的结构学习方法。
The experiment illustrates that the method of the multi-sensor fusion based on Dempster-Shafer theory needs less prior information and it is resultful and robust. 仿真表明,这种基于证据理论的多传感器加权融合方法只需要很少的先验信息,但具有较好的融合效果和鲁棒性。
For normalizing the pattern set, the training patterns are classified and processed by using prior information of the patterns and fuzzy inference approach. 利用先验知识和模糊推理的方法对样本集进行分析和分类处理,使样本集更加规范;
The results showed that the censoring performance of ODV was good, which had the merit of adaptive censoring, and did not require any prior information about the background. 结果表明,ODV方法在韦布尔背景下的筛选性能是理想的,而且此方法不需要知道任何关于背景的先验信息,且具有自适应筛选的优点。
Then, the array factor of ASMRs estimated from the prior information is introduced to the CLEAN algorithm and used to calibrate the remained errors in the primary image. 首先,该校正方法将含有误差的系统响应作为先验信息构造校正矩阵,并校正得到初步的反演图像;
Every attempt was made to throw discredit upon his assertions. At the same time, the previous global estimate of failure probability can serve as additional prior information to yield the overall calibrated probability. 那些人千方百计地破坏他所说的话的信用。同时,先前估计的全局破坏概率,能够用作额外的先验信息,来给出全部校准的破坏概率。
These estimators have good capability in correcting errors contained in the RCPs, and to propagate correctly errors of the RCPs to the corrected image with and without prior information. 这类回归模型具有改正控制点(解释变量)中的误差和跟踪回归模型中的误差传递的能力。
In addition, prior information, the radial and vertical resolution of the6FF40 is also investigated. 另外,还讨论了6FF40的纵向、径向分辨率和先验知识的利用等问题。
The algorithm makes full use of the prior information to enhance the stability of the algorithm. 该算法充分利用了数据的先验信息,提高了算法的稳定性。
Our study also found that this similarity measure, combined with pairwise constraints information, can extend prior information. 研究还发现,该相似性测度与成对约束先验信息相结合可以在一定程度上扩展先验信息。
A new estimation model and theory that can sufficiently express the prior information must be established urgently. 因此,一种新的能充分利用先验信息的估计模型和理论的出现迫在眉睫。
The ill-posed inverse problem of remote sensing was solved using prior information. 利用先验知识解决了遥感反演的病态问题。